Responsive Robotics

Droids 2Droid Servants

NAO Toy Robots

The NAO robot droids are an electronic butler ready to attend to all of your needs and wants. This 58-centimeter tall droid can do anything from have a conversation to run and grab your paper for you — all you have to do is ask.

Recent breakthroughs in technology have allowed designers to create more realistic robot designs that replicate the movements, actions and mannerisms of humans and the NAO robot is a great example of this. Created by RobotsLAB, the NAO robot can do all sorts of humanized actions such as drive a miniature car, fetch things and even hold a conversation with you. With an integrated lithium battery, the NAO currently can last on an hour and a half charge. With the hefty price tag of $8,000 this is one expensive servant to have at your beck and call.



Luna Home Robot

Aiming to make practical robot technology available to the masses, Robo Dynamics developed the concept of Luna, a human-sized personal robot for the home. Complete with a high-definition camera, access to apps, a touchscreen LCD and more, Luna is a robot that has the potential to make daily life at home a lot easier. Whether it’s reminding someone to take their medicine, carrying items around or keeping watch over a home’s security, Luna is designed to be a do-it-all. Plus, with built-in expansion ports, Luna can do even more.

The bot is set up to have enough battery life to last through the day and be charged at night while the household is sleeping. After crowdfunding on Kickstarter, Robo Dynamics has plans to begin creating designs for manufacturing to bring Luna to the masses.