
Pros of cons and oversharing on social media

Oversharing can be tricky even coming coming from people with good intentions. I’m not blaming everyone because I myself like to share an article about something I appreciated the most and I guess it happens to everyone not to think straight on the moment. Sharing and posting everyone is doing it but if we analyze things from another angle is it really necessary and if yes why then? Is it an obligation to post everything you are drinking, eating, liking, disliking every single day?

At the same time,people of my generation keep on asking something they heard from someone else about me and start gossiping if I don’t post a status. Posting is like clarifying and proving you are not passive. In my opinion, sharing an article I like is quite nice but it won’t widen my friend’s list. My real friends come to talk to me by private messages because they care and like me they avoid sharing and commenting on public pages because it is something becoming too common. It makes me think it is so important to live every instant of your life because technologies can be fixed but human life is too shot to b fully wasted behind a screen.

Social Media in Education: How Social Media Is Changing Education [online] (2016) available: [accessed 1 Feb 2016].
‘Social Media, Social Wisdom: Your Keystrokes Matter’ (2014) Sue Scheff Blog, available: [accessed 2 Feb 2016].