TED talk: Lawrence Lessig and the Remix culture

liviacruz/ January 25, 2016/ Copyright, Music Business/ 0 comments

verb (used with object)remixed, remixing.
1.to mix again.
2.to mix and re-record the elements of (a musical recording) in different way.
noun3.a remixed recording.

Although in theory producers and DJs usually have permission to remix a recording, in reality, in many countries there are thousands of amateurs remixing their favourite songs and, although they are usually infringing someone else’s copyright, in places like Brazil, for example, the remix culture is widely accepted as it is seen merely as free promotion and thousands of songs have become a hit throughout the decades simply due to a “home producer” remixing it and releasing it to the public.
In this TED Talk, Harvard Law Professor and attorney, Lawrence Lessig, explains how far the remix culture stretches to.


a small part of anything or one of a number, intended to show the quality, style, or nature of the whole; specimen.

Statistics. a subset of a population: to study a sample of the total population.

a sound of short duration, as a musical tone or a drumbeat, digitally stored in a synthesiser for playback.

In another TED Talk, producer Mark Ronson demonstrates how sampling has transformed the music industry.

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